Thursday, September 8, 2011

Google+: You are not my friends...but I like you anyway

by Michael A. Romig / Austin, TX / September 8, 2011

So I dig things.  I dig skiing.  I dig trail running.  And I dig photography.  So when I had the opportunity to start following some extremely talented professional and armature photographers on Google+ I got more than a little excited.  So over the last few weeks I've been adding and adding and adding.  All of a sudden I have 1661 photographers in my Photographer circle.  But then the most unfortunate thing happened.  The next person I tried to add failed. 

Apparently there is a 5000 person maximum on the number of people you can circle, in total.  5000 people, are you kidding me?   Yeah, yeah.  I get it.  I can be a little OCD sometimes.  Not like this guy, but can't we all get a little excited from time to time?

I was googling around for a rational and as far as I can tell Facebook also has a 5000 person maximum; after all who realistically has 5000 friends.  Well, if that kind of thing is the rational, then let me make myself perfectly clear to Google.  They are not my friends.  They are acquaintances and strangers; people that might someday become friends and colleagues.  But for now they are just virtual touches.  Of course I have a Friends circle, a Family circle and a Colleagues circle, among others.  But for the majority of those I have in my circles and streams I discovered them on Google+.  And you know what, I like that I've discovered them. 

In case you can't tell, I think this particular implementation decision to cap might need to be revisited.  I get that they are probably looking to eliminate spammers and other abuses.  But I would think Google of all companies could write some rather sophisticated algorithms to deal with that problem and still let me add to my interest circles unencumbered. 

In some ways Google+ is a lot more like twitter than anything else we've seen.  Twitter exposure one to the entire world of people and ideas.  Google+ does the same, but with a much richer interface and communication capabilities.  But with that combination I find I have a world of streams available to me to learn things, make new friends, and share ideas, content and information.  What I would like to do is build out my interest circles and add new ones as I have time and my interests change. 

Today I have to start going through my circles and kicking some of y'all out.  Not that I want too, but you are busy and haven't posted much (or at all).  And now I have hit this limit I need to add someone else and replace you.  I apologize in advance.   It isn't me you see, it's Google.  They don't want me to be friends with you.

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